We want our customers to know exactly what we put in our products and that's why we’ve created a comprehensive list of the ingredients we use and where we source them from. Take a look at our comprehensive product list here.
Commitment to Sustainable, Ethical Products
We are driven by a desire to create a sustainable, thriving world for our children and future generations. Our dream is to leave the world a little better off than how we found it. We have a deep respect for nature, and sustainability has been a guiding principle used to shape Yobee® business decisions, products, and packaging.
Our Suppliers, Our Partners
We carefully select our suppliers, and partner with local producers who share our commitment to environmental sustainability. At Yobee®, we are determined to create products using ethical, responsible and transparent processes.
We are passionate about sourcing sustainable packaging. All Yobee® products are supplied in 100% recyclable packaging. Our jars and bottles are made with 100% PCR plastic. Not only does this ensure packaging is high-quality and has the following benefits:
- Has a reduced carbon footprint when compared with non-PCR packaging
- Reduces the waste in landfills and water sources
- Reduces the use of petroleum in plastic production